UNTAG Item Function not working as I need it ?!


Hi there, I'm kinda new to the RPA Topic and at our company we have a process that is done with RPA now.

For every case we do we create an entry in the work queue and use the queue as a table of results.

At the moment i have the problem, that when a business or system exception happens, that blueprism always creates a TAG with the system or business exception detail in it.
As far as I found out with debugging the tag will be set when the function: Work Queues/Mark Exception Function is called.

View attachment marckexceptopn.png

The Text in the Exception Detail is: "ZOP 0204 F - Keine Berechtigung zur Bearbeitung von Haustarif-Verträgen! (Page3.0)"

View attachment queue.png

Since the Exception Detail is already provided in the most right coloumn I want to get rid of the exception details in the Tags Coloumn.

My initial thought was that I do this with the Work Queues/Untag Item Function like this:
View attachment untag.png

After checking the log files I can see that the String is exactly the same as in the Mark Exception function but it does not get removed.

Is this even possible to remove the tag ? Am I simply doing something wrong ? Maybe someone could give me a hint.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hello matuopm,

I guess you're using the BP template, right? The BP doesn't add Tags by default, only if there's a stage to do it.
If you don't wish to add the tag in the first place, just remove the Tag Item stage from the Mark Item as Exception page.
To remove the tag, the problem it might be that your Exception Detail is reset after the page Reset Global Data. Therefore, the Exception Detail will be different.

Let me know if it helps.


Thanks for your reply. Heres what I did so far.

I already disconnected the 2 Tag item stages on the default exception handling page. (see screenshot)

View attachment markasexceptionstage.png

I set a breakpoint at the "system unavailable" stage and continued the process with step over and checking the queue for every step.
The TAG in the queue will be set when I step over the the Mark Exception stage (the one which has the UNTAG Exception Action as follow up to make it undone).

just a question about the moderation message in the forum:
This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.

Is the moderation only for new Users that "strict" or does every post needs moderation ?
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Active Member
Hello matuopm,

"There's no way to turn that off as far as I know. It'll always update the tag with the same text that goes into Exception Reason, even if you manually mark an item as an Exception from the UI. Apparently, you can't even untag the Exception Reason from the tags."

Perhaps Blue Prism will come with a fix in the next update, anyway, that tag won't interfere in the item manipulation/filtering.