Spying embedded "pop Up"


New Member
Hi All,

I hope you can help I am trying to spy a drop down and a text box both of which i need to send keys to as the site will not accept direct entered or selected data.

To clarify i have to press the down button on the drop down and global send key the text into the box.

To spy these in Html is fine and it finds them but I have been unable to successfully get key actions to work as when I try to send to the page itself it does to the backing page.

The option i have is use AA but as sometimes there are images and others not the boxes move around to much for AA to be accurate although does work when can find the box.

Any help or suggestions will be gratefully received (Screenshot shown below as embedded pop up is possibly not the correct term).


Staff member
Hi @Rwattis

Global Send Keys doesn't work with HTML elements.

Could you post a screenshot of Application Modeller, showing the Drop Down attributes when spied using HTML please?

Apologies if you've already tried this but the ideal scenario would be to use a Navigate stage and the "Select Item" action on a HTML element.



New Member
Hi, Thank you but yes I do realise that this would be the normal method and whilst it changes on the screen the website does not register that it has been adjusted once you confirm using this method which is why it is causing me such a pain. The only way it will register is if you open the dropdown and use the down key to select the option. The same issue is also with a textbox also on the page.


Staff member
@Rwattis I think your only option is to use AA then. It can be a bit of a dark art to match the exact attributes that will return a match but it should be achievable. Without access to the website, it's difficult for us to give a more informed opinion.

Let us know how you get on.