Running an automation in prodution

Hello, as i mentioned on other posts, im new to blue prism, and im working on an automation. My question is, which is the best way to give the automation process to the client in a way they can run it easy? I know there is a scheduler and there is a control room, but i tried the control room and in the processes where i used application manager to execute commands on different applications i think the automation runs too fast and dont give the time to this applications to load or to accept the next command.
Thanks for all your suggestions.


Staff member
Hi Andres,

It sounds like your automation isn't utilising Wait stages sufficiently. These will allow for any latency in your applications and means the next command will only be sent to the application once it's in the correct state.

Wait stages should be used every time a change in the application is expected - e.g. after a button has been clicked.



I would recommend to make an official release including all the processes, object-dependencies and necessary schedules so on.. I would also state that this is the correct way to hand-over your work to a client.