Hi , Process Wait till the sub process gets completed


I have a process

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Calling Toad Process is a object which has some steps to do ....and iam calling several objects in my main process...When I ran the Main process...Before the called process(Object) i.e Toad Process(highlighted) is completed my process is not waiting for it to get completed and running for the other Object called highlighted and performing it.....

Is there any wat to make the main process wait for the called process/object to get completed .

Hope this is Clear ...



Well-Known Member
Hi SyedShabaz03,

It looks like you would like to say that 'CallingNationWideObject' starts even before 'Calling Toad Process' is finished.
At first have some Wait time depending upon your estimation of how much time it takes to finish. Also have some kind of an output parameter from the 'Calling Toad Process' in the design of the Object like a True/False boolean flag or a 1/0 when that process is complete.
When the Output parameter shows the desired value only then run the 'CallingNationWideObject'. Until then use the Wait time and the Retry Logic. Make sure that the Retry Logic stops after a certain amount of retries else it would go into an infinite loop.
Hi SyedShabaz03,

It looks like you would like to say that 'CallingNationWideObject' starts even before 'Calling Toad Process' is finished.
At first have some Wait time depending upon your estimation of how much time it takes to finish. Also have some kind of an output parameter from the 'Calling Toad Process' in the design of the Object like a True/False boolean flag or a 1/0 when that process is complete.
When the Output parameter shows the desired value only then run the 'CallingNationWideObject'. Until then use the Wait time and the Retry Logic. Make sure that the Retry Logic stops after a certain amount of retries else it would go into an infinite loop.

Great VJR! I had already did the same what your thought is about ......I did the same as you wrote and then I posted this thread to see if there is any one who has some other way...Coincidence I implemented this and found that Observed that why should I pass the Boolean or any value as an output from Toad Process as input to the calling page and then based on that value the next Object will be called using a decision stage....I Found this as a not so reliable way! Arent there any default methods which has a simple action like wait for the process to complete.



Well-Known Member
Great VJR! I had already did the same what your thought is about ......I did the same as you wrote and then I posted this thread to see if there is any one who has some other way...Coincidence I implemented this and found that Observed that why should I pass the Boolean or any value as an output from Toad Process as input to the calling page and then based on that value the next Object will be called using a decision stage....I Found this as a not so reliable way! Arent there any default methods which has a simple action like wait for the process to complete.

Hi SyedShabaz03,

Blue Prism won't recognise what's happening with the Toad process until it is told how to do so. After the 'Calling Toad Process' you can call another page (or an Object) which has a spied element of the Toad application. You need to identify what that element is which would give you a confirmation that the process is complete. Some examples are a Message Box saying "Rows have been updated", a label showing "Records updated successfully", etc. Then in this new page/object you can have a Wait stage with retry attempts to keep checking the appearance of this message box or label or end the process after a certain amount of time if not found.