Execute Batch File problem


New Member
Hi, with Utility - Environment / Run Process Until Ended, I execute a .bat file. If path doesn't have spaces, arguments like this work: "/c C:\MyBatch.bat", if spaces, then I wrap path into double quotes: "/c " & Chr(34) & "C:\New Folder\MyBatch.bat" & Chr(34). But if path has other characters like this: "/c C:\First - Folder\Second & Folder\MyBatch.bat" then I can't run it. How to solve it ?
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New Member
So a why a command line cannot read folder name with ampersand (&), even though path is inside double quotes ? How to circumvent this ?


New Member
I suggest you use global send keys or else watch this tutorial (
) to clear your concept how to use command prompt and do let me know if it's helpful