Excel Window Name Doesn't Come as Default



I get to work with excel 2016 and when I opened the workbook the window name comes like this way but when I opened it manually it comes as default I tried saving the workbook but it doesn't change the format can you help me to sort out this issue

View attachment 1534828392167.png


Well-Known Member
Hi viraj,

This is a known behaviour with the 'Open Workbook' action. Blue Prism appends an unique Id to the file name for its internal usage. You can still work with the same workbook using the 'handle' and the 'workbook name' data items via Blue Prism.


Well-Known Member

I need to attach the WB for object studio but with this window title it cant be done Can you Help me on this.


View attachment 1711
There is no word as Excel in the window title of your previous screenshot so not sure as to why you have given it inthe parameter. Also use wild cards.


Well-Known Member

Initially I have done the process for excel 2013 it doesn't has this error

I tried with the Wild Cards but that also Doesn't Works
and There will be multiple Workbooks open at a single time
View attachment 1712
Hi viraj,

Can you share the correct screenshot of the excel window title and its corresponding stage properties.
There is no Restructured Loans in the screenshot you provided me on the Excel file.
Also use "excel" in the Process name paramter.


Well-Known Member
Also the Window Title wild card is given incorrectly.
It should be "*Restructured Loans*"
instead of *"Restructured Loans"*