Date difference by using Blueprism


New Member
Hi all,

How to select dates from excel only below condition:
>= Today - 3 Bus. Days
< Today – 6 Bus. Days

Please help me on this



New Member
Hi @srivijay

You could do this by checking the day of the week if it is [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday] than you have to add a `-2`.

this is for >= Today - 3 Bus. Days
if Today in [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday] Than
    Date = Now() - 5 // because of the Saturday and Sunday it's  5
    DAte = Now() - 3 // otherwise just 3

For the second part, I'll let you figure out yourself there is also a different variant by looping through the number you want to decrease and every time it's Saturday or Sunday add to the subtract sum.

I hope you find helpful.