Blue Prism - In email - in html table - how to give column header width


New Member
I have tried -

th, td {
width = "10%"

<th width="10%"> Entity </th>


<col width="10%">

Non of the above working.
Kindly help.
Hi Akash,

Please consider below body of email
<Table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1">
<tr style="background-color: #A5C4EC;">
<th rowspan="2" width="200">Scenario Name</th>
<th colspan="4">*Date</th>
<tr style="background-color: #A5C4EC;"><th width="200">Total Volume</th><th width="200">Order processed by the BOT</th><th width="200">Manual Intervention</th><th width="200">Pending in Queue</th></tr>

Please ignore #TR in which I have dynamically made a row attachment into the table formation

Result is as below in my case :

View attachment 1576226526247.png

Let me know if it is useful ..


New Member
Hi Shikhar, this is also not working. When one column have some long value then that column width increases and rest all columns become small.
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Hi Akash,

You must know the content of the email body and how it may differ in size. so change the width at max so that all area will be handled