chrome in blueprism

  1. P

    Click / Global send keys in Chrome not working from control room / step over run.

    Hi All I am trying to automate a web application using chrome browser mode . Inside that there is a date field where I want to paste a value . This field is little tricky as it have a default value(current date) in it and when I try to paste the value using write stage , the value is getting...
  2. F

    Problem with Chrome Automation

    Hello guys, I am new to the forums, I apologize for any mistake I make. I have been running into a problem when I try running a bot that uses chrome. If I run a process with chrome window open from before I run the process will run correctly, but if I the process itself launches chrome it will...
  3. S

    Waiting for webpage to load using Selenium Web Driver in BP

    Hi, I am using Selenium web driver to automate logging into a website, but after logging in it s not waiting for the website to load and hence running into error in the next step. Used the below code , but the whole page isnt loaded after the stage executes...
  4. M

    Unable to Highlight Chrome Elements after identifying them.

    Hi, I am trying to spy Chrome through Blue Prism 6.4 but am unable to Highlight the element after successfully Identifying the data. I even tried to select all the Match Parameters and Highlight but the element still wouldn't highlight and would keep throwing error - Error - Highlighting...
  5. J

    Trouble Spying Javascript Page Element in Chrome

    Hi team, I'm trying to simply spy elements on this page: Using BP 6.3 and Chrome, I can perform the initial identification of both email and password input fields, but I'm unable to highlight. Information about my page element is here (email...
  6. V

    Solved Chrome Usage

    How to use Chrome in Blue prism, because i am not able spy elements of the application.