Pull completed Tags


New Member
I have a use case where I want to pull Tag's for all completed items. I have set work queue action stage and I pulled completed items. This stage only provides me completed Item IDs. For getting tags given to all ID's, I need to use loop. Sometimes, there are 1000 item id and process takes lot of time to pull tags. Is there any other way through which I can get tags for all item id's at one go?



Active Member
There is no way that I know of to get all tags from a queue in one go. Howeve, you could loop Item ID's and try this: For eqch completed item Item ID, Get Item Data and read the tags from there.


New Member
Thanks @Pete_L . It takes time when there are 1000 tags going and collected through loop so for better solution, I was looking for a solution to get tags at one go.