Internal : Exception: A stack imbalance has occurred. Check your process for errors.

Sukesh Kumaru

Active Member
Stack imbalance errors can happen in Blue Prism if:

  • You step over too fast in Debug Mode (step over before the current stage ends)
  • The process or business object is in Exception mode and a new Exception is thrown(for instance if an Action stage throws an Exception after a Recover stage but before a Resume stage).
To recover from a Stack Imbalance error you can:

  • Reset
  • Or just run a Resume stage and continue debugging


New Member
Stack imbalance errors can happen in Blue Prism occuring daily for run time machine how can we stop this or fix this issue


New Member
Bit unable to catch the stack imbalance error and not connecting to recovery mode how can we resolve this issue friends


New Member
Exception is not bubbling up in debug mode just showing the error pop-up Messege even through we have the retry logic for that business exception