How to launch jnlp application and write data into fields in them?


New Member

We are facing an issue where we are trying to launch a .jnlp file from blueprism.

What I have tried is:

1. If I select Windows mode and select jp2launcher.exe, it doesn't work.
2. I select java - based application, but it can use only jar files
3. checked the jnlp files and I can see a lots of jar files referenced from there. There might be dependencies I guess. So no idea which jar to download and use.

Is there a better approach to this?

Problem no 2 is after I manage to launch the jnlp manually and attach using process id in my object. Now when I am trying to use Application Modeller, Win32 or accessibility mode, both cannot identify any fields within it.
So, I am using region mode to identify them by region, but now I also need to write something to the one of the identified area. The error now I get is Blueprism cannot write to region mode. So how to get around this issue as well?

Any has faced similar kind of issue? Or any tips so that I can try it out?



New Member
Hello again,

I got a solution for problem no 2. Used Click Center + Windows Press Keys option.

So now only problem is how to launch a jnlp file from blueprism.