how can we read more than 1 lakh + records in Excel using blueprism


Well-Known Member
When you say 'read', do you want to read entire data in to a collection? OR want to get certain data rows from the 1 lakh records in to a collection?

You can bet on Data - OLEDB VBO for huge excel workbooks.


Well-Known Member
i want to read entire data in collection but how can we use oledb in this...oledb has 4 method set connection open close
Loading such huge data in to collection might be time consuming.

Set Connection - is to set the connection string to connect to the excel
Open - is to open the connection
Execute - Execute the query
Close - Close the connection to the database (excel)


Well-Known Member
If you want to get the data in Sheet1, here is the query-

Select * from [Sheet1$]

Refer to post for additional details.

Post back how it goes.