Get Received Items


Hi, I am trying to save email into folder. I use MS Outlook Email VBO --> Get Received Items (Basic)

In the inbox has multiple email which is same, as email will be send once daily. How can I get the latest? How do I make use of image below?

View attachment 1571667193494.png


Set current date time in recieved latest input parameter.

Be careful while passing inputs. It will accept only DateTime format.


How do I get the latest in inbox?

Hi Tiger

Regarding your question for above, Using READ stage first read the Subject of the mail and compare the READ name with the the Value required if that is ok. Then again using READ stage read the date and compare the READ date with the date of your Requirement, if the required is achieved the download the file.

Before the above process you need to spy the required fields as specified in the below attachment.
Not sure about it.

But Hope you understand and help you

Thanks and Regards