Find the given scrambled words


Well-Known Member
Hi adi,

In the application modeller, spy the elements that the process is going to access.
1. The text box for entering the scrambled word

2. The button to click

3. And the area where the unscrambled text will be shown

Your flow should be something like this-
- Loop through the Input collection
- Use a Write stage to write the collection value to the input text element that you spied in No 1 above
- Use the Navigate stage to Click on the button
- Read stage to read the value from the section in No 3.
- Once you get the value you can either write to a new Output collection or have a new column during design time in the Input collection itself and write it there within the same loop.
- Use appropriate Wait stages wherever it takes time to load the results or a page.
- If the red marked area is blank then there are is no exact match for the scrambled word found. If the area is blank you can write your own logic to check that word from another url that you have mentioned above.


Well-Known Member
Hello adi,

I have laid down the steps for what needs to be done in the case of your assignment.
Providing solution screenshots won't be of much help in giving you a learning curve in Blue Prism.

Spying the web elements and accessing (reading/writing) to/from them is not difficult to do.
You can learn to do that from the videos in this tutorial.
Spying webpage elements, Reader stage, Writer stage, Navigate stage, Wait stage, Loops and Collections are all hints on what needs to be done on your assignment.
Once you start to do that and when you are stuck then you can post your queries here and someone on the forum will be able to provide you with some help.