Difference between match index and ordinal


New Member
Can anybody explain what's the difference between match index and ordinal? I have gone through all the documents but didn't get any firm answer.
It would be good if someone explains this with an example.


Active Member
Match Index:
.Match index means in Ascending order blue prism search for spied element
Blue Prism searches for any elements within the target application that have matching attributes with those selected in the application model defined by the developer. If more than one element matches more than one elements are highlighted. When the Match Index attribute is selected, only one element will be highlighted. If the value of Match Index is set to 1, Blue Prism will stop searching the application for elements as soon as it finds the first element that matches. If set to 2, the search will halt after a second element that matches is found and that element will be highlighted, ignoring the first.

suppose if you have windows application then ordinal gives you a unique element on the screen that you have spied.
Ordinal will always gives you the unique element on the screen.

Match Index - blue prism search for spied elements in ascending order. While ordinal will directly select assigned ordinal numbered element if found.