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  1. V

    Text to date function

    Hi I'm trying some code to perform texttocolumn option to convert some dates in to a particular doesn't give a error but but doesn't do the task.can you pls help me on this tia. Code Ws.Range(rng).TextToColumns(ws.Range("a1",1,1,false,true,false,false,false,false,"Array(1, 4),true)
  2. V

    split method doesnt working

    Hi, I'm tring to split a string using Split Method using Assign activity in UIpath The VB code I have used to split doesn't working can any one help on this error Invoicedata.Split({"Arriving " , "Payment"}.StringSplitOptions,None) TIA
  3. V

    Excel Window Name Doesn't Come as Default

    Hi @VJR I get to work with excel 2016 and when I opened the workbook the window name comes like this way but when I opened it manually it comes as default I tried saving the workbook but it doesn't change the format can you help me to sort out this issue
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    Making Data Items Dynamic

    Hi, Is there a way to make these vlookup Function Dynamic .
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    Find ANSI Value For Letter in BluePrism

    Hi, Can some one help me on way to get ANSI value for a letter in blueprism. Thanks, Viraj
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    Find Cell With Specific text

    Hi VJR, I was trying to Find and Select Cells with Specific text Using Below Code But It Gives Some Exceptions Can you Help Me on this, Dim wb as Object = GetWorkbook(handle,workbookname) Dim ws as Object = GetWorksheet(handle,workbookname,worksheetname)
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    Dynamic match index Attribute in Blueprism

    Hi, I was trying to make math index dynamic but I'm not getting dynamic option to select in blueprism spied element can some one help me in this matter.
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    Need a help Pivot table value field setting combobox sping

    Hi, I'm getting Below error when spying the combobox in the excel pivot tables can some one help me to sort this out.
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    Detecting Excel pop up boxes in blueprism sping

    Hi, I'm having difficulty in spying Excel pop up boxes in blue prism because until we click on the workbook the pop up massage wont show and blue prism wont detect that element when doing spying can some one help me to sortout this problem.
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    Filter Excel Data By Specific Criteria

    Hi , I'm Having trouble in Filtering the data in a excel sheet using blueprism can someone to help this sort-out,
  11. V

    Excell Pivot Table Coding

    Hi, I tried to create custom VBO by Using VB code shown Below.But It doesn't work. Can someone help me to figure out the issue. Dim ws as object=Getworksheet(handle,workbookname,Worksheetname) Dim r as object=ws.Range(range).Select Dim ns as Object =...