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  1. C

    Size of Attachment Email MapiEX

    Hi Everybody, how can i get the attachment'size of a Email get by Mapiex? In the code of MapiEX, there is a filed of Object BPMapiMessage more than AttachmentsNames? Thanks for answer
  2. C

    Get all mails in BluePrism

    Hi everybody, I needed to get all mails from Outlook and save them into a collection. I m using MapiEX, but there is only possibility to get a single mail. Alternatively could use the POP3/SMTP object, but i d like to know if with MApiEX this situation were possible to realize. With MapiEX i...
  3. C

    Solved Mapiex - Problem Send Email

    Hi, i have a problem with the addon Mapiex, in particular with the action to "Send Email". When i try to send a email, incur two problems: - It s show the image (in the attachment) that report that Outolook is not default program for emails (but it is). - It s show this error message: "Failure...