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  1. R

    Blue Prism Copy Columns from one Excel File to another

    Hello, This action pretty useless. I used it for copy a sheet to another excel, but sometime doesn't worked. Just Copy it into Collection and keep that column what you need and after that use the Write To Collection action.
  2. R

    Inserting a formula in Excel

    Do a macro file, and type this code into. After that MS Excel VBO -> Run macro action Worksheets.Range("X" & i).Formula = "=IFERROR(IF(AI2>AH2,"YES",""error"")"
  3. R

    Get collection field

    You can't set the position. Do a loop on your collection, and create a counter.
  4. R

    How to count number of elements in a web page

    Do a VBA macro file or a VB Code Stage with same code.