Recent content by udayasree

  1. U

    How to execute subQuery using oledb connection

    Thank you @sahil_raina_91 for the solution.. I need one more help I have PLANT in Col B, REVAL IN LC in Col V, REVAL USD in Col W. Now I want to calculate REVAL USD for all PLANTs. For Plants 5100,5120,5400,5420,5619, REVAL USD= REVAL IN LC / 4-----(REVAL IN LC divided by 4) For all other...
  2. U

    How to execute subQuery using oledb connection

    Thank you for the solution. But I have few more columns beside PF(ColB) in Sheet1 named OriginGrp(ColC), MatValue(ColD), ProductFamily(ColE) and Sheet2 also have OriginGrp(ColC), MatValue(ColD), ProductFamily(ColE). So similarly by comparing Material Value in both sheets, I have to fill these 3...
  3. U

    How to execute subQuery using oledb connection

    Hi, Can anyone help me with the Update query in OLEDB I have columns named Material ,PF in sheet1 and columns named Material and Center in sheet2. I have to update PF in sheet1 by comparing Material values in two sheets and pulling the Center value for whichever the Material value matches..I...