Recent content by Anubhav247

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    Process Stopped by resource

    Hey Oranjaman, Did you find a solution?
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    The Action is not supported

    Did you find a solution to this problem? In my case, Blueprism process is automating a citrix based application. At first, the process runs smooth but after sometime i start getting this error.
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    Blueprism Region mode does not capture screen correctly

    Same problem here...can you please share what was changed in the compatibility settings?
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    it is definitely a typo. Instead of Microsoft.ACE.JET.4.0 am sure you meant microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 or microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0
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    Excel Update using OLEDB

    This query runs fine Insert into [Sheet1$] values ('DBT39435M','Daniel','B','Tonini','5','75',0877,'01-01-1990 00:00:00') but this one fails with the exact same error that you see in your case... Insert into [Sheet1$] values ('DBT39435M','Daniel','B','Tonini','5','75','0877',[01-01-1990...
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    Update query

    Can you please describe the problem with an example? I do think i came across such a scenario
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    Excel OLEDB connection, number format

    I assume the very first time when you execute your insert query in your process you have an empty excel worksheet. If that is the case, then you can execute below query before you execute your insert query. Create Table [input$] (column1 int,column2 int,column3 int,column4 int,column5 int)...
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    Help needed with OLEDB csv connection string.

    Am sure the problem is with the syntax of the Connection string. Try using the this as a template.... "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & [csvFolderPath] & ";Extended Properties = 'text';". Please note that while reading .csv using oledb you do not specify absolute file...